4.2 Classification of inspection. The inspections specified herein are classified as follows:
a. Materials inspection (see 4.3).
b. First article inspection (see 4.5).
c. Conformance inspection (see 4.6).
4.3 Material inspection. Materials inspection shall consist of certification supported by verifying data that the
materials listed in table I, used in fabricating the antennas, are in accordance with the applicable referenced
specifications or requirements prior to such fabrication.
TABLE I. Materials inspection.
Requirement paragraph
Applicable specification
Dissimilar metals
4.4 Inspection conditions. Unless otherwise specified herein, all inspections shall be performed in accordance
with the test conditions specified in the "GENERAL REQUIREMENTS" of MIL-STD-202.
4.5 First article inspection. First article inspection shall be performed by the supplier, after award of contract and
prior to production, at a location acceptable to the Government. First article inspection shall be performed on sample
units that have been produced with equipment and procedures normally used in production. First article approval is
valid only on the contract or purchase order under which it is granted, unless extended by the Government to other
contracts or purchase orders (see 6.3).
4.5.1 Sample size. Four antennas shall be subjected to first article inspection.
4.5.2 Inspection routine. The sample shall be subjected to inspections specified in table II, in the order shown. All
sample units shall be subjected to group I inspection. Sample units shall then be divided into two groups of 2 units
each. Sample units shall then be subjected only to the inspection indicated for that particular group. All units shall
then be subjected to group IV.
TABLE II. First article inspection.
Examination or test
Requirement paragraph
Method paragraph
Group I
Visual and mechanical examination
Sampling probe impedance 1/
Sampling probe attenuation 1/
Group II
High temperature exposure 1/
Temperature shock
Barometric pressure (reduced)
Moisture resistance
Salt atmosphere 1/
Group III
Radiation pattern
Static load
Resistance to solvents
Group IV
1/ When specified (see 3.1).
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