4.7.7 Static load (see 3.12). The antenna shall be normally mounted on a fixture and a bladder draped on one
side similar to figure 1. The bladder shall then be inflated until it is just making contact with the antenna surface. An
air pressure reading shall then be taken and the internal air pressure shall then be increased to the specified
pressure or to the pressure simulating the load pound (see 3.1) and held for 5 minutes. The pressure shall then be
released and the same procedure repeated on the opposite side. This shall be considered as 1 cycle. The test shall
be 2 cycles in duration. On completion of the second cycle the antenna shall be moved and carefully examined for
deformation and structural failure. Impedance tests shall be made and the VSWR shall be as specified (see 3.1).
When specified (see 3.1), the above test shall be applied to the other 2 sides.
FIGURE 1. Static load test.
4.7.8 Seal (see 3.13). All samples shall be subjected to a seal test by the altitude chamber method. The antennas
shall be fully submerged in a water-filled, transparent container. The test antennas may be covered with a mating
cap simulating the mating connection. The chamber shall be evacuated to a pressure of 1.32 inches of mercury
simulating an altitude of 70,000 feet and remain there for a minimum of 5 minutes. The chamber pressure shall then
be raised to 2.5 inches of mercury simulating an altitude of 57,000 feet and maintained at that condition for 60
minutes. The chamber pressure shall then be raised to standard atmospheric pressure. The antennas, upon
completion of the seal test, shall be removed and all excess moisture wiped from the antenna. Any evidence of
leakage either by a flow of bubbles during evacuation or subsequent entrance of water shall be considered a failure.
Immediately after the examination, the impedance test shall be made and the VSWR shall be as specified (see 3.1).
4.7.9 Resistance to solvents (see 3.14). Place the sample antenna, completely immersed, in the test liquid for 24
hours. Upon removal, shake or wipe excess surface liquid from the antenna and the impedance measured in
accordance with 4.7.2 and 4.7.3. The above procedure shall be performed with each of the following test liquids:
JP-5/JP-8 ST fuel (see MIL-DTL-5624) and hydraulic fluid.
4.7.10 High temperature exposure (see 3.15). The sample antennas shall be placed within a chamber and the
internal temperature shall be raised to 220°C (428°F). The antenna shall remain in this environment for 2 hours; at
the end of this time, the antenna shall be removed from the chamber and immediately measured for impedance.
4.7.11 Environmental tests (see 3.6). Environmental testing shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-202, in the
sequence shown herein. Following each test, the antennas shall be tested for and must meet the requirements of 3.7
and 3.8. The following details shall apply:
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